50 research outputs found

    Utilización de un Simulador de Fútbol para Enseñar Inteligencia Artificial a Ingenieros

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    Observando las ventajas y los inconvenientes de los sistemas actuales de enseñanza de inteligencia artificial (IA) a ingenieros informáticos, proponemos una metodología que consiste en la utilización de un simulador de fútbol (JavaSoccer) paralelamente a las clases teóricas. Concretamente en las prácticas, los alumnos deben desarrollar un equipo de jugadores de fútbol que decidan las acciones a realizar basándose en varias de las técnicas de IA. Al final del curso, se realiza una competición entre los diferentes equipos, donde los estudiantes pueden evaluar y comparar objetivamente los resultados. La motivación que adquieren al competir entre ellos en partidos reales es clave para despertar su interés hacia la IA. Esta metodología se está probando desde hace tres años en la Universidad de Girona (UdG) y los resultados nos avalan

    Negotiation-Style Recommender Based on Computational Ecology in Open Negotiation Environments.

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    The system described herein represents the first example of a recommender system in digital ecosystems where agents negotiate services on behalf of small companies. The small companies compete not only with price or quality, but with a wider service-by-service composition by subcontracting with other companies. The final result of these offerings depends on negotiations at the scale of millions of small companies. This scale requires new platforms for supporting digital business ecosystems, as well as related services like open-id, trust management, monitors and recommenders. This is done in the Open Negotiation Environment (ONE), which is an open-source platform that allows agents, on behalf of small companies, to negotiate and use the ecosystem services, and enables the development of new agent technologies. The methods and tools of cyber engineering are necessary to build up Open Negotiation Environments that are stable, a basic condition for predictable business and reliable business environments. Aiming to build stable digital business ecosystems by means of improved collective intelligence, we introduce a model of negotiation style dynamics from the point of view of computational ecology. This model inspires an ecosystem monitor as well as a novel negotiation style recommender. The ecosystem monitor provides hints to the negotiation style recommender to achieve greater stability of an open negotiation environment in a digital business ecosystem. The greater stability provides the small companies with higher predictability, and therefore better business results. The negotiation style recommender is implemented with a simulated annealing algorithm at a constant temperature, and its impact is shown by applying it to a real case of an open negotiation environment populated by Italian companies.Fil: De La Rosa, Josep Lluis. Universidad de Girona; EspañaFil: Hormazábal, Nicolás. Universidad de Girona; EspañaFil: Aciar, Silvana Vanesa. Universidad Nacional de San Juan; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan; ArgentinaFil: Lopardo, Gabriel Alejandro. Universidad de Girona; EspañaFil: Trias, Albert. Universidad de Girona; EspañaFil: Montaner, Miquel. No especifíca

    Estudis dels principals arbres ornamentals, no autòctons, disponibles a Catalunya

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    Després de l'estudi realitzat per la ICEA sobre els arbres autòctons, ha estat convenient tractar dels arbres naturalitzats i adaptats. Aquests són molt més nombrosos a Catalunya, de manera que per cada arbre autòcton en corresponen deu dels altres. Per motius que expliquem, l'estudi se centra en un col?lectiu de 119 arbres no autòctons. D'acord amb una enquesta, la meitat dels arbres indicats són fàcils de produir i es comercialitzen regularment. Els restants, per problemes de propagació, de cultiu o de rendibilitat, tenen una comercialització més variable. Les produccions anuals per arbre estan dins l'interval de 1.000 a 5.000 unitats per any, per a 36 espècies, o sigui, el 30 % del total. Les restants es reparteixen entre els intervals superiors a 5.000 i inferiors a 1.000. L'aplicació determinada per a cada arbre, en relació a les 41 comarques catalanes, permet conèixer quins són els arbres adients per a cadas cuna. Els quadres de característiques i d'exigències arrodoneixen l'estudi, proporcionant una informació completa per a cada un dels 119 arbres. Dins el col?lectiu, hi ha 37 arbres de flor, dels quals hem realitzat l'estudi fenològic. L'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona reuneix excel?lents condicions per a la plantació d'aquests arbres de flor. De les 37 espècies, n'hi van bé 33, o sigui, un 90 %.After the publication of the research on the catalan native tree by the ICEA, it has become convenient to study the naturalized and adapted tree. In Catalonia, there are ten naturalized and adapted trees for each native one. As we will explain later, this research focuses on a group of 119 non-native trees. Following a survey, half of these 119 trees are easy to produce and to marked. The remainders, which have some problems to propagate, cultivate and become rendible, present a more variable marketing. The annual production is between 1.000 and 5.000 trees for each specie; that means a 30 % of the total production. Remainders are between more them 5.000 and less them 1.000. The chapter «Application» indicate the species of non-native trees wich are more convenient to each of the different 41 catalan region. To provide better documentation, the study is completed with information about the «Characteristics» and the «Requirements» of these 119 trees. Because of their flowering, 37 species are thoroughly studied, Barcelona?s Metropolitan Area has an ideal climate for these trees. In fact, 33 out of 37 species, that is a 90 %, can be perfectly adapted to this area.Después del estudio realizado por la ICEA sobre el árbol autóctono, ha sido conveniente tratar el árbol naturalizado y adaptado. Éste es mucho más numeroso en Cataluña, de forma que por cada árbol autóctono, corresponden diez de los otros. Por los motivos que se explican, el estudio se centra en un colectivo de 119 árboles no autóctonos. Según una encuesta, la mitad de los árboles indicados son fáciles de producir y se comercializan regularmente. Los restantes, por problemas de propagación, cultivo o rentabilidad, presentan una comercialización más variable. Las producciones anuales por árbol resultan estar en el intervalo de 1.000 a 5.000 unidades por año, para 36 especies, o sea, el 30 % del total. Las restantes se reparten entre los intervalos superiores a 5.000 e inferiores a 1.000. La aplicación determinada para cada árbol, con relación a las 41 comarcas catalanas, permite conocer cuales son los árboles convenientes para cada comarca. Los cuadros de características y de exigencias redondean el estudio, proporcionando una información completa para cada uno de los 119 árboles. En el colectivo hay 37 árboles de flor, de los que se ha realizado el estudio fenológico. El Área Metropolitana de Barcelona reúne excelentes condiciones para la plantación de estos árboles de flor. De las 37 especies, 33, o sea, el 90 %, se adaptan perfectamente a la zona

    Altered methylation pattern in EXOC4 is associated with stroke outcome: an epigenome-wide association study

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    Background and purpose: The neurological course after stroke is highly variable and is determined by demographic, clinical and genetic factors. However, other heritable factors such as epigenetic DNA methylation could play a role in neurological changes after stroke. Methods: We performed a three-stage epigenome-wide association study to evaluate DNA methylation associated with the difference between the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at baseline and at discharge (Delta NIHSS) in ischaemic stroke patients. DNA methylation data in the Discovery (n = 643) and Replication (n = 62) Cohorts were interrogated with the 450 K and EPIC BeadChip. Nominal CpG sites from the Discovery (p value < 10(-06)) were also evaluated in a meta-analysis of the Discovery and Replication cohorts, using a random-fixed effect model. Metabolic pathway enrichment was calculated with methylGSA. We integrated the methylation data with 1305 plasma protein expression levels measured by SOMAscan in 46 subjects and measured RNA expression with RT-PCR in a subgroup of 13 subjects. Specific cell-type methylation was assessed using EpiDISH. Results: The meta-analysis revealed an epigenome-wide significant association in EXOC4 (p value = 8.4 x 10(-08)) and in MERTK (p value = 1.56 x 10(-07)). Only the methylation in EXOC4 was also associated in the Discovery and in the Replication Cohorts (p value = 1.14 x 10(-06) and p value = 1.3 x 10(-02), respectively). EXOC4 methylation negatively correlated with the long-term outcome (coefficient = - 4.91) and showed a tendency towards a decrease in EXOC4 expression (rho = - 0.469, p value = 0.091). Pathway enrichment from the meta-analysis revealed significant associations related to the endocytosis and deubiquitination processes. Seventy-nine plasma proteins were differentially expressed in association with EXOC4 methylation. Pathway analysis of these proteins showed an enrichment in natural killer (NK) cell activation. The cell-type methylation analysis in blood also revealed a differential methylation in NK cells. Conclusions: DNA methylation of EXOC4 is associated with a worse neurological course after stroke. The results indicate a potential modulation of pathways involving endocytosis and NK cells regulation


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    Conté: 1. Arquitectura -- 2. Arquitectura (v.2) -- 3. Arquitectura-Láminas -- 4. Historia de la pintura y escultura en todas las épocas ... / J. Fontanals del Castillo -- 5. La Ornamentación / F. Cajal y Pueyo -- 6. Historia del traje...armas, joyas, muebles, cerámica, aperos de labranza de pueblos antiguos y modernos (v.1) / F. Hottenroth -- 7. Historia del traje ... (v.2) / F. Hottenroth -- 8. Historia del mueble, tejido, bordado y tapiz / por Francisco Miquel y Badía. Metalistería, cerámica, vidrios / por Antonio García LlansóSegons Palau, diversos vol. de l'ed. original de 1886-1897 van ser reimpresos (vol. 2-3, en aquest cas)Reimpressions: 1901La versió digital forma part del projecte: Biblioteca Digital d'Història de l'Art Hispànic (UAB

    Table_3_A Polygenic Risk Score Based on a Cardioembolic Stroke Multitrait Analysis Improves a Clinical Prediction Model for This Stroke Subtype.DOCX

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    [Background] Occult atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the major causes of embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS). Knowing the underlying etiology of an ESUS will reduce stroke recurrence and/or unnecessary use of anticoagulants. Understanding cardioembolic strokes (CES), whose main cause is AF, will provide tools to select patients who would benefit from anticoagulants among those with ESUS or AF. We aimed to discover novel loci associated with CES and create a polygenetic risk score (PRS) for a more efficient CES risk stratification.[Methods] Multitrait analysis of GWAS (MTAG) was performed with MEGASTROKE-CES cohort (n = 362,661) and AF cohort (n = 1,030,836). We considered significant variants and replicated those variants with MTAG p-value < 5 × 10−8 influencing both traits (GWAS-pairwise) with a p-value < 0.05 in the original GWAS and in an independent cohort (n = 9,105). The PRS was created with PRSice-2 and evaluated in the independent cohort.[Results] We found and replicated eleven loci associated with CES. Eight were novel loci. Seven of them had been previously associated with AF, namely, CAV1, ESR2, GORAB, IGF1R, NEURL1, WIPF1, and ZEB2. KIAA1755 locus had never been associated with CES/AF, leading its index variant to a missense change (R1045W). The PRS generated has been significantly associated with CES improving discrimination and patient reclassification of a model with age, sex, and hypertension.[Conclusion] The loci found significantly associated with CES in the MTAG, together with the creation of a PRS that improves the predictive clinical models of CES, might help guide future clinical trials of anticoagulant therapy in patients with ESUS or AF.Peer reviewe

    Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries

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    Previous genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of stroke — the second leading cause of death worldwide — were conducted predominantly in populations of European ancestry1,2. Here, in cross-ancestry GWAS meta-analyses of 110,182 patients who have had a stroke (five ancestries, 33% non-European) and 1,503,898 control individuals, we identify association signals for stroke and its subtypes at 89 (61 new) independent loci: 60 in primary inverse-variance-weighted analyses and 29 in secondary meta-regression and multitrait analyses. On the basis of internal cross-ancestry validation and an independent follow-up in 89,084 additional cases of stroke (30% non-European) and 1,013,843 control individuals, 87% of the primary stroke risk loci and 60% of the secondary stroke risk loci were replicated (P < 0.05). Effect sizes were highly correlated across ancestries. Cross-ancestry fine-mapping, in silico mutagenesis analysis3, and transcriptome-wide and proteome-wide association analyses revealed putative causal genes (such as SH3PXD2A and FURIN) and variants (such as at GRK5 and NOS3). Using a three-pronged approach4, we provide genetic evidence for putative drug effects, highlighting F11, KLKB1, PROC, GP1BA, LAMC2 and VCAM1 as possible targets, with drugs already under investigation for stroke for F11 and PROC. A polygenic score integrating cross-ancestry and ancestry-specific stroke GWASs with vascular-risk factor GWASs (integrative polygenic scores) strongly predicted ischaemic stroke in populations of European, East Asian and African ancestry5. Stroke genetic risk scores were predictive of ischaemic stroke independent of clinical risk factors in 52,600 clinical-trial participants with cardiometabolic disease. Our results provide insights to inform biology, reveal potential drug targets and derive genetic risk prediction tools across ancestries